Saturday, December 20, 2008

December 2008

Hello everyone!

I'm going to try to keep this up from now on. Here are some pictures we took this December. As you can see Zach is growing like a little weed. These were taken in Aunt Kim & Uncle Tim's barn. Patches (the goat) kept trying to get into the picture. It was a rainy day so I think they turned out great considering the weather!


rudonna said...

Zach is a handsome little fella! I love the little hat!!

Unknown said...

God blessed me with my 1st grandson in April. He has 2 wonderful parents. He is so precious to me. He is my Pride and Joy and the LOVE of My LIFE. I live in Kentucky and don't get to hold him and kiss him like I want to but, I do visit every chance I get it just isn't enough. He is one beautiful child. Love Mamaw Hood